Little bit behind on my posts on here...... Too many English fry ups been getting in the way..........

Quick thames river pit stop on the way to work

My mum and dad came into London for the day............ I wished they had brought the contents of the fridge down too....... my mum always has amazing leftovers !!

Really good to see them both and jibber jabber as we walked around town......... It had been a few years since we'd last hung out !!

I think my dads mustache threw the camera out of focus on this one ..........

My mum dragged us into the famous Liberty fabric store . Its where fully grown men shrivel up and go to sleep forever ........ This old cat had even saved a seat for me......... Men conk out instantly while their wives go into a floral shopping exorsism.............. This was weeks ago..... I bet this poor bugger is still in this chair !!!! I should bring him some snacks .............

Cops in england are so polite.... Its like their first job is to be tourist information kiosk and their part time job is they sometimes chase bad guys and occaisionally yell "stop thief" . Its the complete opposite of America where everyone is polite but the cops are musclehead terminators on a deathwish that will taze your mouth wide open if you even think about asking for directions.

Here a very nice missus cop politely directs traffic while a building is on fire in Soho behind her.

Waiters and waitresses all over Soho enjoy a few minutes of freedom and 4 extra cigarettes breaks rolled into one..........

London is one giant human ant farm ..............

The boys at Kulu Kulu fire up the Tindian Online dating service ...............