A while back i climbed this huge volcano in Bali called Mount Agung. The photos are in a backwards order because we hiked through the jungle at night to get to the summit by sun up...........

So this story will almost run in reverse cos i didnt shoot any pics for the first 8 hrs of the rainforest darkness.............

At the summit of this volcano there are warnings to the gods ........ Offerings ..... human sacrifices and general Ricky loves Jenny forevers written on the rocks .........

Sherpas praying at the shrine............... It was incredibly moving up here and as i sat staring at the sun rising above the jungle tears rolled down my face as i thought of family and friends and my home....... Mount Agung is a spiritual place once your body stops aching from the climb.........

Guides chattered and shared hot tea and rice wrapped in banana leaves ......... The summit is absolutely freezing ......... Before the sun rose we were all huddled in little caves sheltering from the wind and cold .... I made a fire by burning literally every scrap i could find up there........ took ages to light it but when it happened it was the best little fire in the whole world ..... Our team was freezing to death up here......

The sherpas prayed inches from the edge of a million foot drop .............

Anders went above and beyond on this trip....... The dense sweltering jungle lay below the clouds ......... two seperate worlds we walked through........

57 year old Indonesian sherpa lady with legs like coiled steel springs

Anders was so cold his face froze in a perfect Bali smile

Donnie Brasko literally froze and became a statue that people will pray in front of for hundreds of years to come ...........

The summit party as the sun came up over the horizon............ I was emotinal ....... It was amazing up here and made me want to climb even higher ...............