Sunday was a blistering teaser of a day. After hours of riding and fixing flats we stooped it up with the Greek Orthodoxers. Mega antics and hecklings at all the passer bys

Katie and Loui joined us as the sun reached the last set of steps

French dogs are way cooler than french dudes..............Loui ruling !

Dogtannian - catching the last rays of sun

The natives got restless and we mosied on down the street ..............

and ran into Morpheus in mid spandex ballet

Ricky Bobby and Uncle Tom

In all the excitement i forgot to ask what he was listening to on his ipod.........I couldnt even begin to guess what kind of music makes this guy tap in his aquasocks !!

Everything on his utility belt was either foam or spandex. He had all kinds of great stretchy ski masks and nik naks going on.

Baton man put on a serious clinic of moves and jabberings.........All grammy worthy !!


Sunny days and lyrca bonjornomans