Some mornings on the way to work my eyes are sealed shut and other times i actually notice some shite...........

There once was a house made from grath. Inside it lived some total grath holes . This limerick is going nowheres and im ending it now !!

On the topic of eyes sealed shut - this is Tiny Tim and this is what happens to kids who play Xbox until 5am every night

His expression didnt change or move until 2hrs later around noontime , when he finally woke up ................Tiny Tim ruled through his sleepy debut on this crappy website ...........

Monsooner than later. It rained an ocean out of the sky. Ludicrous amounts of water fell causing all kinds of mayhem in the streets. It was super fun to watch till i had to walk home in it .

Rejects at sundown was the best part of the day

I want to go on a video game rant but im too tired. As i type this jibber jabber im so hungry my brains are too scrambled to write anything worthy.

Im just going to sit here at my computer and youtube food clips as i wait and prey the Chinese delivery man understood my directions to Africa.

Golden Chopsticks and throwing stars for dinner .............