Somehow theres a tiny Irish bar in the middle of the mountains in Italy. Inside its a perfect replica of an old pub from the emerald isle ...but its filled with Italians going bonkers to the craziest music techno versions of the "chicken dance" and "la macarena" was fantastic scene

Enzo , Fabiola and me with my pelican gullets on tour

As soon as the music is cranked up ...its on ....everyone jumps to their feet and climbs onto anything higher than the floor and starts boogieing away.....chairs ...stools ...the bar ...anything ...other people .......its bonkers

Full dance party ...Italian techno line dancing aunt Moira in the background is looking for an object to dance on ..hahaha shes stressing...literally everone is hoppin away to the most mental songs.....

My buddy Led Zepplin Man with my uncle Raymundo.......I met this guy and he was so stoked to talk about The Zepp...the only english he knew was song lyrics made for an interesting hang out sesh.......