Live at the world famous Warfield in San Francisco

Back in 1980 the Grateful Dead played 15 sold out shows in a row at the Warfield. Fuckin Jerry Garciayalaterd !!

This place is awsome

I love seeing rock n roll and metal shows in California. So many epic mexican fans at the concerts. Mexicans love Jim Morrison and Morrisey. They should combine some denim jackets and make some Jim Morrisey patches. Anyways i love the mexican rock bedazzle . Good shite

Valient Thorr - rock n’ roll saviors from Venus

Eidan Thorr

Valient had the crowd eating out of his beard

Dr strangies trimmed his afro since i last saw the lads play

Sadat Thorr riffage

These guys rule. Energys and charisma for days

The extraterrestrials from North Caroline nailed it opening gigwiser.

After Valient Thorr played , Clutch came on but i couldnt even bring myself to take a photo of those clowns. One of the worst performances of a suposedly proffesional touring band i have witnessed in a very long time. My new thing for 2011 is to not give negative feedback but Clutch completely ruined that , so here goes the most positive review of Clutch i can muster. They fuckin sucked. Total mierda. The singer looked like he'd rather be on the sofa eating cheetos watching nascar. He looked so bored on stage and his gear was so trife. I hated his moves too. The bassist might as well have played via skype from his bedroom at home. He didnt even make a presence on stage at all. Total poofter. The guitarist didnt look up at the crowd once the entire show. He looked like it was his first gig. Staring at the neck of his guitar like an eight year old kid at a school talent show. I hate that shite. Your playing a show in front of 3000 people , fuckin entertain us. Clutch are wankers. Snowcore music is the worst genre and im still baffled at how in the hell these guys played after Valient and are opening up for Motorhead.

Motorhead came on and exploded into the first track sending the seething crowd into a frenzy. Absolute magic !!

I saw a mexican Dave Carnie lookalike try to sacrafice himself to the Lemmy gods. Carne means meat in spanish so he should really be named Dave Meats. Anyways Dave Meats was going berzerkers until the bouncers threw his arse in the streets outside. Bummers he was a total stand-outer in our section.

Phil Campbell , Mikkey Dee and Lemmy Kilmister are Motorhead. Fuckin aces man !!

The Welshman's been shredding solos with Lemmy for over 27 years.

The hardest working lads in showbiz put on a hell of a show. Mikkey Dee is a machine. What a performance. He's an absolute beast behind the kit. The crowd didnt pause for one sec the whole gig. The pit was a frothing angry mob that literally hit the roof when Ace of Spades came on. What a sick scene. Total goosebumps man.

Inside the concert i'd never seen so many Hells Angels in one place. They definately made their presence known. Heavy situations.

JayDog with Scott Shapiro and Shane in Blood. Grand company. High quality manny's right here. Lotta denim.

I must give a massive thank you to Jason from ASG for working his magic and getting me on the Motorhead guest list. Many many thanks amigo. I sulute thee........ I owe you bigtime manolo !!

Im still deaf in one ear and loving it .