Its been a wee while since the last installment of mierda and rants from camp Loch Mess.....

Heres a few morsels i found in the files from days gone ........

Young bucks Emo and Harry Harvey Junior brave the mud pit

Pistoled Olivia

New York times

Gettin gangbusters with Tino Turner in Manhattens

Amarillo Texas.........

Kelsey right in from France

Package and Waterbrothers best stuntman Corkery ......Rest in peace Detective Man !!

Package Swayze the Zig Zag King

Going downhill in Scotland ...

Jamie Wilson and his chicken Nugget on his farm in Scotland.

Bella my fave forever


Sammy aka Jewmanji

From the looks on Tooth and the Mexicutioners mugs , this tale is not for the faint of heart !!

New jokes and material getting made in china soon...stay tuned !!