Italians are into a few things.......Eating ......Driving like total nutjobs.......Yelling .....and Religion....(in that order too)

Jesus and his posse are everywhere..........

Abandoned Hotel on Lago Maggiore

My buddy Enzo......There must be something in the cat food in Italy that makes every cat a bastardo....

Before you get a car in Italy all the kids ride Enduros everywhere......the train station is littered with these bikes and all into the night you can hear the 2 stroke engines screaming so loud...its awsome

My favorite Italian......Mina............Its rare that she sat still enough for this photo.......

MG with Hugino , Mina and in the background the only grumpy italian friend i have........Hugo

Hes awsome of those dudes thats so grouchy and sour that its beyond epic......This is a typical Hugo face.......haha......he rules......