There are many bands on the planet that have the magical touch of being able to work the crowd into a frenzy at the first strike of a chord. From Ohio the band Midnight have that such power coming out of every pore in their bodies. As soon as the gear was plugged in and switched on it was like they electrocuted the entire crowd with battery acid. Instant mayhem from the get go. Motorhead speeds with simple punk guitar rifts make for the perfect recipe for carnage.

Tons of minutes of Midnight

The crosses were a huge hit. The rabid crowd devoured them in mere seconds.

There were multiple ways to get maimed at this show. You had about 3 to 1 odds of getting your neck chopped by a 6 foot crucifix every song.

The natives were restless and ravenous

Drumwise - at 11 ...... bellywise at 12

The bird in the front calmly poses for her yearbook photo while hundreds of total psychopaths tear the room to shreds.

There was not one safe square inch inside the club. Leather shinners for days.

Midnight thunder through the violence at fantastic speeds.

Bodies were piled 3 feet high ..........

War is hell......... and awsome !!

Faster Morevil and Tooth ..........

Sometime after the show in the wee hours of NYC , me and Mortal Wombat ended up in a treasure cave of goodies underneath some corner deli.

As usual the next day is way too bright.

Brunch at the Tree of the Dead. No wait for a table or $12 eggs at this hot spot. It's great !!

Chippy , Brandy Rhoads and Wombat

Jesus Chago has a barber shop......... Buckbo haircuts are $5 and a pack of Newports

Street vibrations in New York are merciless on wounded brains. The entire crew glide through the streets like processed meat on a conveyer belt .......

Huge thanks to BBQ productions for putting on a phenominal show and to the Natur family for hosting all weekendo.

Heading home to unzip my skin and rinse it out ..........