I finished up in London . Was there for 6 months and now on the move.............

First stop ~ Edinburgh Scotland . The city where i was born. The city i was a wee laddie in . The city where my family lives.

My mums neighborhood .......... The back alleys are grass here ..........

Walking around Edinburgh brought back so many memories. I remembered so many things i'd forgotten about. All kinds of funny things . Ive been gone so long im a foreigner here. I got lost a ton my first day as i aimlessly cruised the city. Its weird i couldnt remember a lot of the streets but i could remember exactly where i'd taken a bad slam skating when i was 15 or eating shit on my bmx when i was 12 ........ Some things are just burned into our brains ...............

I passed my favorite cinema . I went here when i was about 10 or 11 years old . My mum packed me a lunch and i sat and watch Star Wars , Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi all in one sitting . I think i remember being in the cinema for 9 hours ....... I'd eaten all my snacks definately during the first movie............ I have a vague memory of coming out and not being able to blink properly .......

The cinema is now all boarded up and abandoned which made me sad .............. but standing outside brought a smile to my face thinking about all the movies i saw here as a kid ..................

First random run in with the old school crew was Big Russ. Was awsome to see him and catch up on 21 years of scottish skateboarding news . I asked him a million questions about all the boys from back in the day!!

Walked past my old school. I remember how cold this place was in winter time....... I remember Mrs Taylor and her wooden spoon. That spoon hurt like a bastard on your hand if you were disruptive....... I think the spoon had a happy face and a sad face . I dont remember seeing the happy face side much..........

This is where i'd go if i had any money and buy my comics and sweeties . Its still here and the store still smells the same after 30 years.

I grew up here. My street was behind the line of trees on the left . Every single day me and my crew played on the train tracks. We built tree forts here. Played hide n seek here. Saw our first porno mags here. Some days we wandered ways up the tracks ... hiding from the signal men . I remember these days being really fun ............

I went to see my old house .......... Its the same . The door is painted black still ........... I still have a big scar under my right eyebrow from the iron gate slamming into me ...........

I loved this street and this house ...............

Being back here is a real trip. Its like the most vivid daydream ever. I mustive looked crazy to people today. Wandering around staring at peoples houses and doors ........ The guy inside the corner store literally thought i was sleep walking as i crusied around his store checking out every detail in the place .................

I'd like to take a minute to thank everyone who welcomed me to London. It was the hardest move of my life and i couldnt have done it without the kindness of the people i was around in London. Jagger and the Supreme family , Duffy for taking me in , Michael and Miles in Peckham , Seth , Niall for giving me a bicycle and then i felt awful cos i snapped it in two pieces a week later. Will at Stem agency for taking notice . Death Spray Dave for bringing me to motorcycling action and everyone i skated with and had adventures with.....

Ill be back in London soon lads ..............