Theres a mean storm called Irene marching up the coast. Shes wearing her Doc Martins and shes ready to stomp the shite out of us ................

Pre hurricane shark attack call at Ruggles on saturday afternoon. Shite was like NYPD blue on the street. Sirens and medics running frantically looking for some poor sod with a chomped off leg......

Irene hysteria has reached new levels. Crowd were baffled as police and EMT ran around the rocks looking for carnage..........

Sunday morning there was some carnage however. Irene did some heavy tapdancing all over Newport...... Winds and rains were mental and all kinds of flimsy bollocks exploded.

Weird seeing so many healthy green leaves on the ground. It's like someone painted fall bright green...........

Took a mission out to the drive. Baileys beach was bananas. Mega high tides and water surges. I'd never seen the ocean so angry or high up on the beach. I heard reports after the storm passed there were live fish swimming around the outdoor pool inside the beach club..........

Fierce winds all day messed my doo up something awful........

I didnt really understand only boarding up part of the store front .......... maybe the glass on the left is not made in China ......

Trees all over town took a real pasting .......

This massive tree got so laterd..........

Irene was my scottish grannys name ...It was weird reading her name everywhere..... She was a real nice granny that made epic pea n ham soup and had awsome handwriting that i couldnt ever read but man it looked aces..... She was nothing like this mean Irene from down south somewheres in the tropics......

The next morning the storm the size of Europe had moved north. I rode up to ruggles to find Package and the rest of the lads surfing giant sausage grinding barrels...... 8am is noontime for Sid. While im still picking out sleep crust from the corners of my eyeballs he's already ran 4 miles , set the surf report , prank called Knowlsie and been surfing for hours..... Its almost like hes on European time....fully 5hrs ahead of everyone here.......

Above is a rad pic of Le Package at around East coast time 7am.

Lady customer on the phone - "Hi can you tell me how to get to Ruggles beach?"

Package - "No"

Phone is hung up........

Blokes in stretchy rubber suits out there dont give a rats arse that theres zero electricity in the whole state of Rhode Island

"You one of them surfy smurfy motherfuckers?" - Epic drunk black geezer inside Kio's Asian Stir restaurant to us all one night.


Black V Man was there with his Apollo 13 lens.......... Theres zero point n shoot in surf photography.....dudes show up to the cliffs with cameras that look like satallites...........

Nick made it out of the water in one piece....... Others got murderfied by the pounding surf against the sea wall....... Its bonkers watching the crew navigate through the rocks , dodging waves and boulders.......

As i type this i just put in the most incredible mariachi band cd. This has nothing to do with this post but man alive this mexican band are absolute magic !!! K bye ...........