It's friday all day today.............

Higgins relaxing in his robes. He stared at me as i got dressed and i chuckled at him cos he looked rediculously comfortable. He looked so comfy he actually looked stoned.

Working for this top quality manny today. Gracias Dan Martensen for a solid day in the ring.

The News Inc have an incredible showroom loft on Broadway.

Outside was minus something. So bloody cold. Across the buildings i watched NYPD's blue guys dusting a bunch of windows for fingerprints. Looked like Bloomingdale's got jacked.

Go time......Shooting lookbooks. Many gear changes and get ups all day.

Waiting for thai food as Steppenwolf blasts from the speakers.


Much laterd..........

Haldir in the backstage area of Tooth and Dezi's apartment. It's fun hanging with this wee guy. His wide open eyes make me laugh everytime.

Its fantastically loud in this photo right now.

After work rock sessions at full volumes with Tooth and the lads.

Huge thanks to Martensen and the entire crew from The News Inc. Stella and her staff were incredible. Met so many nice peoples. I learned heaps today.