Got a whirlwind tour of Pasadena. Home of Van Halen . Looked for David Lee Roth's giant hoose............

Didn't find Diamond Dave's mansion but did find Malcolm's . This is Malcolm and his fantastic eyebrows

This is Alix. One sharp manny......worked graphics for Zoo York and Shepard Fairey.

Heading north to San Francisco

Drivewise - a total zoneout . Jay dog killed it behind the wheel

In SF . Dog Buzzard Customs in production. Rolling Triumph

The front end came out so clean and tight. looks real good

This wee piglet will be blasting the streets of San Fran in no time .......

Woke up to see my favorite dug - Sensi..........big smiles and heaps of bum scratches as i fed her meat pies n wizards

Was in SF for literally 8 nighttime hrs . Huge hello to everyone .

Virgin America is my new airline. Inside the planes is like a nightclub and the stewardess's are epic . Not some school lunch canteen trolls like on most other airlines. Branson nailed it ....although $8 to watch Avatar was a stretch....Eff that

Heading East........

I got some World Cup Fever to catch up on ........."Gon Yersel Italy !!!!!"