Not born in the USA...........

The flag at Africa is becoming the coolest color

My yard is a total jungle nook of animals and nik naks

Today up at the warthog nest , world traveller and surf photographer for Nike Jason Kenworthy came by to shoot some portrait photos of Package. Check out his site here . Incredible adventures and images.

Pope John Package

Johnny Morocco and his quiver

After the shoot went to Pablo Escobar's Newport summer home

I love this place. Never gets old coming here.

The calm before the approaching doom.........

Black metal flip flops, Mondo Man and Henrys up from NYC

Theres a hurricane coming to visit us .

All kinds of shite going on .Today there was an earthquake down south in Virginia. The Pentagon was evacuated and tremors were felt as far north as New Hampshire. People were reported saying the sand was vibrating on the beach at Watch Hill. Thats bonkers!!

Headlining news , there was another huge storm in my neighborhood Little Rio. My good freind Orlando the Main Mando had a birthday. It was a category 6 storm all the way from Guatemala.

I love Orlando's face as he gives Oliver Twisto a whole ration of shit after the 10th round of tequilas.

After a brilliant noche of the raddest grub and tunes i literally crawled home on my hands n knees. Full on Scottish Stevie Wonder from all the shots.

Happy birthday Main Mando !!