The yard sale the size of Manhattan continues...........

Everything was for matter how low

Found this tandem bicycle that you steer from the rear.....Kinda insane..........this has Eggman written all over it

Yuri the Canadian Cosmonaut was stoked on this Jeep that looked like it had been taking steroids all its life..........This thing was beefcakes

King of Stickers

Met some manny that just scored a Led Zep Harley gas tank........

This old codgers gig was World War 2 Communist and Nazi trinkets...... Crazy war photos and Hitler Youth switch blades.............It was hard to get good photos of people at this jamboree.....i was afraid of getting bit.....

This gadgie got stuck on the lip of the hill.....................arse!!!

There was no order to any of this it all fell from the sky that morning...........