Sunrises in the city are amazing ...... you can hear hindu music and praying and the monkeys roaming the rooftops looking for snacks. Its that nice part of a city before everyone wakes up and it becomes space invaders out there............

Valentine from Supreme in Paris flew out for this mission . He was the only one crazy enough to come with me .........

Watched a man beat some kind of substance with a stick and then stuff it all inside some sheets and he was making little mattresses to sell .......

Typical Kathmandu street

Most neighborhoods have a death swing ..........

A man selling beans and chilis

After a few days of acclimatizing in the capital of Nepal we began our real mission ...............

We are going to trek to Mount Everest in the Himalayas. It will take us a few weeks to reach the base of the worlds tallest mountain. First we have to reach the mountain village of Lukla. Home of the worlds most dangerous airport. Getting air transport to this high village is not easy . Every day there are plane crashes or the weather window is so small many flights get grounded for days .......

We spent 2 days waiting for the green light to fly. Bad weather coming off the mountains makes landing incredibly difficult .............. 2 planes collided the day we were set to leave. Causing a full shut down. The scene at the airport is utter anarchy. So many expeditions all heading to everest. Climbing equipment literally everywhere. Massive gear bags piled up all waiting to get to Everest . People from all over the world . We waited at the terminal for 10 hours waiting on the green light to fly. Nothing . We managed to find a helicopter pilot who would take us and three others to Lukla.

Helicopters are insane machines . Especially overloaded with gear and supplies and heading into very very dangerous weather patterns .

Our pilot was a westener and was wearing a Slayer hoody . I took this as a good luck sign . Considering the turbulance and sudden freefalls the helicopter did everytime we passed of a ridge of mountains . I dont pray ever but i actually did on this flight . I took off my woollen hat and clenched it so tightly my fingernails broke the skin . This shit was terrifying .

Our first glimpse of the Himalayas. The closer we got its jaw dropping the sheer scale of these mountains .

We landed no problems in a perfect weather hole . Minutes later storms rolled in and the airport was shut down again till sunrise . Lukla airport is at 9500 feet above sea level. That runway is the shortest of any airport . The sheer drop off into oblivion is literally that ...........Planes hit the village , they miss the runway all together , some hit into the mountainside . Some dont make the return take off .............Some planes are old and just cant make it .......

Next time i come here ill do the 4 day trek to get to the village rather than fly in ................. 1000%