More adventures in Bonnie Scotland

I rode my bike out of the city of Edinburgh and headed into the farmlands of East Lothian.

The country roads went on for miles

My friend Kathy has a farm out this way. I stopped by and my mum and Kath were hanging out and hooting it up....These two have been best amigos since they were real wee. When this pair are together its laughs...all they talk about are plants , shrubs , flowers , trees ...major green fingers ..........

The field behind them was the greenest field id ever seen......

This is Wee Jamie and his chicken.

In scotland your either a "big" or a "wee" when your growing up... for example in Jamie's case he has an uncle named hes automatically Wee Jamie....Other times theres no reason for the name tag ...Sometimes it just boils down to physical size like Wee Ricky or Big Mark...........Almost everyone has this ...I was Wee Loags ...cos i was a tiny wee bugger ............but its awsome cos it carrys on into manhood and then when yer an old coffin dodger too...."Aye ...Ah saw Big Tam the ither day.....He dosnie look to guid likes...a wee bit peely waaly"............

The Scottish language is great

So are the skies............Ride west home was mental.....Close Encounters or like Independence Day when the spaceships first appear in the clouds....."Hye radgie ...Ah dinnae mind seeing yin over Scotland in the movie likesay!!!!"