With Christmas out of the way and the pressure to be "good" over with ..........it was back to business ...........

Deep in Beverly Hills theres an abandoned house that used to belong to Liza Minnelli and Judy Garland. They were not roomates. Seperate decades. That wouldve made for epic flatmates tho ........Anyways the house is vacant and the gardens completely overgrown like Cambodia and the swimming pool is empty. So we hopped the wall.........

Inside the compound was amazing. Fallen Greek columns everywhere. Thick palms. Place hadnt been lived in for years and years.

Judy and Liza had already dropped in and carved a few turns before us ............

As we checked out the pool the whole estate was incredibly quiet. You could hear the occasional police siren passing by on sunset blvd but it was pretty quiet back here. When all of a sudden one of the windows on the second floor slammed shut and the latch was pulled tight. We all saw it and froze. There were people in the house. The entire bottom floor was boarded up with wood to stop squatters, but the second floor you could see the old curtains moving . It was fucked !! We moved slowly throught the garden. Listening for any sounds. It was creepy back there. Last thing i wanted was some mentally unstable homeless maniac charging us with a machete in his hand. The yard was so dense there wasnt many options for a fast retreat. We crept towards the house like a jungle platoon on an ambush. Suddenly we heard coughing from inside the mansion. The sound was real close. It was early in the morning and whatever was inside the place was definately awake. The run back to the wall was much further now. We inched towards the front of the house when all of a sudden this older lady with white hair marched out the front door and up the path in our direction. I almost took a mierda in my pants. It was the ghost of Liza Minnelli and Judy Garland combined but in the flesh. Looked kinda like the slutty old hen from the Golden Girls. Anyways she was mighty pissed and stormed towards us yelling "You cant be in here" . She didnt have a machete or a syringe in her hand or even look 3% homeless but we were scared shitless and ran off like kids in a Scooby Doo cartoon. We hopped the wall like olympic gymnasts and were off down the garbage truck alley in seconds.

Old ladys marching wagging their fingers in any country are bloody scary..............

Afterwards in the safety of Beverly Hills. We cured our heart rates by filming turtles shagging . Good times !!

Deep in the Hills we found the second skateable pool of the morning in another abandoned house. This time there were no restless natives inside.

3D eggs and bacon with Tino and Jeff

Powerplant tuned up the Rambo bike . Top notch lads !! Looks aces

Later caught up with Andrew filming for the Vans video. Laddie just pulled off the most insane stunt on a rail. That video is going to be mindbending .......

This car is jacked !!

Solid day but went to bed and had nightmares of old ladys ........................