Wanderings from the last few weeks ...........

Mountains of patches at the Rose Bowl flea market

Where all the New Balance trainers go to die

Back street in Chinatown

Saw this amazing Chinese Jethro Tull tribute band perform . They were aces !! They nailed AquaLung

Street Ironing is way better than free WIFI

Dirty Mikes ride

Echo Park

Rolling snacks ~ The raspados man !!

This old manny ruled. I could only hope to be this awsome when im older.

This epic old bird was a real hoot too. Park bench laughing gas sessions

Turkey Creek Johnson and Snowflake . This pair travel the country in their delivery truck. Turkey Creek wears diapers for those long hauls while Snowflake eats away the steering wheel. I couldnt even make this shite up!! This duo are fantastic .

The Lacma ~

Lindsay lost in the spagetti forest

If LA's palm trees dropped coconuts this place would be perfect