Mucho sorrys on the delays folks - been slammed doing stuff !!

As usual ......on the road to nowheres


Rocketboy was thrilled to bits when i showed up to the beach with my new shark. Five and below has the best garbage to buy for $5.

Grasshopper crew working on the hedges that take 100hrs to complete. Hedges are the worst !!

I dont even remember where the hell this is .......... Baileys beach Cambodia maybe ?

Oh just some everyday Frankenstein beach experiments ...........

Jackie Chains

I got nothing stupid to say about this pile of ropes. If this photo had a smell it would stink of fish .

Ash about to kill something cool............

Im way behind with my posts - 4th of july at the Morton ranch

This top bunk was so awsome !! Happy forth of july America

My neighbors are super quiet ............

I think this is the day that Will Smith saved America from the aliens

Travis and his epic mustache had an art show. Rad Team Squirrel photos !!!

More shite for $5 coming soon !!