The LA times continues..........

I scottished alarm clocked Manute the other day.........He just flew into towns.

Portfolio and look book final cuts.........

Eazy duz it

Snake Pit. I was told during the last huge earthquake only 2 bottles fell off the shelves and smashed . Thats pretty damn good going considering the collection they have .

Met up with Justin and O'dell down the street

Edgar had a photoshoot today, but he was pretty much over it . Too hot , too old , too awsome !!

Echo Park bound


Down at Maintain skateshop Mathew charges up his Antelope phone

In and Out air valve fan out ......

Killer back alleys and wee barrios

Street balaclavas

The Raaaaaawr door

The accordian chappie is rad

The Los Angeles river

Its the strangest river set up ive ever seen . A giant concrete trickle of a snake winding through the entire city. I sat on the bridge for a while thinking of all the movies filmed in this massive ditch.

Its a no mans land down here. Not too many people .........