Wake n break ...........

The early bird catches the huge glass doors .

Humming birds are everywhere out here. This one hit the windows at 600mph while i was doing some laps in the pool. Check my prune tips !!

Santa Monica pier

Young buck Nicko Rhodes . The only kiddo in the sand pit

Boss truck

The hills have their own weather system. Tropical rainforests up top.

The Doggpound

Escape to LA

Huge thank you to the Dogg family for the red carpet treatment out here.

Saw a biker get creamed while i headed across town. Not a beunos time .

He was whisked away in an ambulance . Hope he's oki. Drivers never look for bikers. Roads are bananas here.

Ben Rayner from Vice has a photo show in Hollywood. Tons of great faces on the walls. Go see it .

Outside the prop warehouse . Place rules

In the christo heyzues section looking for religious nik naks for the GHOST album press release tomorrow. The new record is out.

On the way home met up with Chris Pontius, Mae and Jason Jessee for some phenominal banter . This combination is mindblowing. Pinball wizards of conversation. I wish i had a tape recorder.

More antics coming up ............