This is the local dive spot...........i went here every single much fun

We would try to catch huge fish by jumping off the platform and landing on them.......

This is Lucky the bastardo cat of the house....hes so epic but evil as hell. I still have scars on my legs from him......

Our backyard is right next to the only monastery in the village ....Every hour the monks would ring the bells and it would be so bloody loud...At 4 in the morning these mannys would be swinging on the ropes waking up the whole effin valley..........they must work in shifts...probably the only fun they get to would take me 58 minutes to get back to sleep then id be asleep for 1 minute then another man in robes would let loose the bells again...............i knew the buggers were laughing there arses off see em the next day all cheery and id be half dead .......

el bastardos