This post is about kids...bairns ...bambinis...wee buggers......rascals.....skallywags.......

Kids crack me up , probably cos i dont own any yet.................endless antics , disasters , meltdowns and explosions

These guys rule - Hope , Kaya and Henry

Henry is constantly wranlged for getting too awsome ..........super funny kid

Ran into Stick Man (former creator of Jobless clothing ) with his wee twiglet ....they were both entering a scarecrow in the contest at the Gnarvest Fair...........

This scarecrow had my vote...purely based on his haggard trouser set ups

The tug of Warzone

Pull Party

Goddamn Rolf Harris was there........i couldnt believe it!!!!!

Ninja man in training - Frank the Tank nails the junior swat team assault course

Black marker mustaches never get old ...........