This is from a few weeks ago....been catching up slowly to the present day antics.

Johnny Jamestown had a house party and shite got awsome ........

It had all the making of a pretty standard evening you know - 20 dudes , 2 birds , a keg , a handle of rum , a house with no posters or furniture we left and went to the pub where it got bueno!!


Around 10 mins before last call we literally kidnapped the wee kid rock band that was playing a show at Jimmies Saloon........

Me - Hey you guys want to play a house party next door?

Band - Yea totally .We have to ask our parents first though

few mins later

Band's Dad (the leader) - Yeah this sounds cool can me and my wife come ?

Me - Sure bring everyone . We got tons of drinks for you guys

15 mins later band is set up in the living room and the place erupted into Iron Maiden full blast with the whole crowd singing at the tops of their lungs

Run to the Hills

Instant awsomes

The mic got passed around the whole room while the band belted out the metal classics at full volumes

The crowd got thick quick and heaps more birds arrived

Ziggy Gnardust on the skins

Miggs on fire

Smooth operator Bernaise gets love from the Curl up and Dye posse

Wyld Stallions

Topper Charlie

New Scotland's latest export - Lucas

The lads nailed all the greats from Maiden to Priest to Ozzie to Hendrix to Zepp

"breakin the law breakin the law"

Uncle Tom and Rocket - Livin after midnight

Portuguese Royalty - Terps

While the mosh pit raged in the living room Colby and Maradyth were having a profile pic party in the kitchen

Sisters from different misters

Matty Aull Sexual Predator gets a gasolina top up

The band shredded deep past their bedtimes while their parents did keg stands with the crew.....

Epic noche ......

Huge thanks to Jonny JTown for hosting and to Sidewinder for letting us kidnap them and to the Blue Guys for not showing up to bust skulls