Woke up early cos my tongue had turned intto sand at somepoint in the night

Some half naked tart was standing in the corner...scared the bajesus out of me ...I was in a fragile state

Then above me this dodgy geezer in his star spangled wee willy winky briefs is all feeding the seagulls .......

It took 3 photographs to figure out i was in Tino and Dezzies spare room..........

All through out the house not a creature was stirring not even a Tooth

Deaded ....While i searched for the king of hangovers

The Fashion Nazi board ...........

Kessler Kandles..........ride forever manny!!!

Look how bright it is outside ....me and my hangover cannot wait ......NYC's evil vibrations show no mercy in mornings like this............

Shake off the cobwebs and find giant sandwiches ........Moral is soaring !!!!!!