On any sunday -

Weather was fantastic even with the skud missiles exploding overhead...........

Took a motorcycle trip with 2 great friends through an area id never seen before , where the woods were thick , the roads had many twists , bends and the blue guys were hiding around every corner and tree.......

To hang with this manny .......

John Borowicz is the Son of the Forest

I'd rather have a Guzzi in my living room than a sofa too !

Custom tank fabrications by Lancehandbashedthefuckouttathis Inc

His son Kazimir is one sharp cookie ..........heaps of ace one-liners from this young chap

John's paintings are brilliant.........Detail from Stipendium Peccati Mors Est ( The Reward of Sin is Death )

Today was champion......weather , roads , bikes and good amigos............

Big thanks to John and family for the breakie ..........

check out Johns work here Son of the Forest