Kathmandu is bananas......

I need an extra set of eyes here .....Just to give my regular ones a rest .... i need them to work in shifts .......... Shit is crazy here !!!

These guys have the right idea .........

Rice delivery tricycle

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world .

Somehow it all works ..............

Ol leatherToe takin a wee siestas

I saw a man using a huge fridge as a hat .............

This honestly was the only refridgeration machine i saw in the whole city.

Monkeys are those animals that everyone thinks they love . Everyone loves monkeys on the tv or from behind a fence ........

Get a bunch out in the open and its pure mayhems . They are total nutters . Get more than 50 passing through and its game over . They will fuck your shit right up . The mini ones , the giants ones, the ones with huge titties, the ones with the raw arses ....... Everyone one of these epic guys is down to fuck your day sideways ......... Its remarkable. I love them a lot .

Everything stops when these bastardos strut through. Hide your sunglasses and your wallets and your kids

The entire city is crawling with them ................ Ive been bit by a shit ton of weird stuff in the years but never been bit by a monkey.........

This one was counting the different currencies in my wallet.

Prayer flags are highways for the monkeys

The monkeys wanted this baby really badly . They were gonna take him back to their leader king man ............They clawed at the dads jeans like drunken fools trying to get a drink at the bar on New years.

I yelled at the dad "Save yer damn trousers man ~ hand over the kid"

For a second i thought he was a gonner until a different old man with a stick waltzed in like Sir Galahad and started whackin all the monkeys on the head.

I now know what to do if monkeys try to steal a child !!!

Kathmandu is aces !!!!