21 Jump Street part 2 ..................

Top Shelf squad today - Andrew Brophy , Eric Koston , Andrew Allen , Kevin Spanky Long and Nasty Neck

Andrew peeks over the top to see what the neighbors were grillin up .............

Jeff after almost breaking his entire upper body against the wall ......... pulls out the jams !!

The gallery minus the peanuts

Spanky and the Tommy Guerrero board grind the top of the roughest wall in Hollywood. This was pure aces

The Wolf on Wall Street gets the grind seconds before the old geezer on the other side of the wall turned the power hose and soaked the launch site..............

The X Games should re think their entire program. They need to scrap everything and only hold a jump ramp contest. The crowd would go ape shite.

Jeff earned his cheeseburgers today

Boys of Summer .......... extra cheese and pickles