Literally yards away from the main stage theres a different event taking place....... The South Padre Island Jazz Festival

A stones throw from land were 100s of boats , floats , kayaks , jetski's , dingy's ...basically anything that can float and carry alchohol is out there

I took a quick kayak ride to check out the spring was a warzone of oiled up bodies , waterballoons , zima's and inflatable was laughs

Skinheads partying in the gulf of Mexico

So many boats tie up along side each other and people just wander around all day...Ocean pub crawls

Somalian Pirates hired Albert based on his gear...then fired his ass for drinking twisted tea.........

Luke couldnt be here this year so he sent his son Seneca to represent ...........

This geezers struggled to reach the boat of birds........his inflatable armchair was mierda

While everyone heckled , throwing water balloons and chunks of melon in every direction...........


Im heading back to dry land and free food backstage .............