Today is the Newport Jazz Festival

The festival is held in an old fort that faces the bay. The place is incredible. Eamon picked me up at the front gate in his golf cart

Big Ed holding down the backstage area

I got a tour of the whole compound......It was insane...So many tunnels and passageways all overgrown and forgotten........Eamon put the golf cart through its paces .......

This is Newport's Alcatraz.......also home to the very first Extreme games ........

Ancient gun placements face the ocean to prevent enemy fleets from entering the bay

Inside the fort was mindblowing. I wondered around for ages ......while outside the crowds gathered for a 2 day festival of Jazz greats......


and his Miami Vin Diesel jacket.............the embroidery matched his ginger locks perfectly

Jack Kane washes his balls in preparation for 2 full days of jazzering

This manny has the energy of a whole platoon of marines...non stop antics and stories


Time to head out into the crowds........