Theres an Italian donkey that wakes me up every morning. As soon as the sun comes up hes outside my window yelling for prosciutto and melon

Breakfast time at the race track............. I think they pour espresso in the gas tanks .... Hi octane beans here

At 95 years old , Celsina has become a master of camouflage..... probably why my camera couldnt focus ..............

This is Lucki . He used to be a bastardo .......... Last time i was in Italy he took so much of my blood ........... Now hes old and we are pals ............ I told him i wont make a hat out of his skin anymore !!

Even when my uncle Raymundo is dead asleep he's still being hilarious ............ Blowing prosecco bubbles on the beach .............

After a mountain of pasta and grappa shots Silvio takes aim and blows up the neighbors olive tree ......................

This photo is a true Spagetti Western !!

Backwards elbows at the fairground

After a 12 course dinner and an espresso shot that im sure had speed sprinkled on top, the whole crew took me on a ride where i almost lost my dinner out of both ends ..........

You get in the tiny bucket chairs dangling from long chains and you go in pairs ....... The buddy behind you is the pusher while your job is to hold on for dear life , while your bucket swings out and up at G force speeds you reach out and try to grab a wig hanging high up on a string before the other people grab it ........... This was fuckin insane ......... As the machine speeds up all the bucket chairs get horizontal and then your pal behind kicks you , sending your chair almost upside down ...... I nearly puked 8 pounds of pesto and pretty much thought i was going to shit out a whole genoa salami.......It was pure bananas....... This ride maybe is normal in other countries but add a bunch of hammered Italians into the mix and its game over......... Endless laughs as we spun around trying to grab this hair piece that was way high up ...............

Then the Italian Rod Stewart and his band made all the ladies over 60 lose their marbles ................

Heading back to London.......... If you get on a plane during lunch time in Italy you can forget everything ..... stairs , bags , drinks , peanuts ............

Italy / Switzerland

Above these English clouds its summer .............

I now know why flights are so cheap in Europe ........ The cornfield landing and walk back to London was way worth it tho .............