Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast with such a brutal force it left millions of people without power and water for days. I walked on average 10 to 12 miles every day of the storm. Most days my shoes were soaking wet from the previous days mission. I only had one pair of shoes with me and i was too excited to see outside to care. Taking only bottled water and film for my cameras i zig zagged my way south through a very different looking New York that i had never seen before.

The cyclone was still pulverising all sides of Manhattan. It wasnt safe at all to be outside as the wind and rain screamed in all directions. I literally darted from building to building looking in all directions as debris flew all around me. My movements were as if i was in the scope of a sniper in the skyscrapers above. I kept moving . There were no people anywhere. It was scary.

Theres only a few more botched photos i promise. (still gutted about that blunder)

Everything south of 34th street was like entering a different country. No power , no traffic lights , no cars , no people , no noise apart from the winds and rain. It was as creepy as Hollywood could ever make Manhattan look. As i darted from street to street trying to keep from getting hit by flying signs and shrapnel i saw many stores destroyed. Glass everywhere in the street. At this point i couldnt see any evidence of looting but im sure its coming .

On the way down towards Lower Manhattan there was a little more sign of life. A policeman moves rubble that fell from an old building and i started to see a few cars slowly picking their way through the streets. They seemed to be heading towards Wall Street.

No people anywhere as a solitery car makes its way across town

Absolutely zero people anywhere. It was becoming the Scottish version of I'am Legend. I looked in all directions to see if i could see any people in the windows above . Total darkness. Every building.

Washington Park at noon time .

Found evidence of people. I almost almost picked some of these strawberries off the ground. I'd had no food for hours and the Loch Ness Tape Worm was restless. I opted not to eat any , thinking theyd be poisoned by a million reasons. There was so much garbage everywhere in the streets.

Massive trees down all over the city. I avoided trees at all costs. It seemed safer in between the skyscrapers

I found hundreds of destroyed bee hives down on the Lower East Side of the city. They were everywhere. Most of them were still loaded with honey. I think that a lot of buildings have beehives on the roofs and the high winds mustive levelled the entire operation . Some of the honeycomb frames had human hand prints on them from people scraping the remaining honey off. I didnt find one single bee or human around.

All the bridges leading to Manhattan were closed before the storm hit . The entire island was isolated. I took refuge in the tall grasses as i stared over into Brooklyn wondering how all my pals are doing over there. No communication at all with anybody for days .

With the rains and winds still hammering throught the city my soaked and exhausted body was headed back towards Hell's Kitchen. I was so thirsty and hungry. My feet were prunes and ached from being drenched for days. As i slowly picked my way north through the avenues i heard this almighty engine roar and the scream echoed violently all around the buildings. It was so loud but i couldnt see what was making the noise. Whatever it was it was going very fast and it didnt sound like your average yellow cab. The next block up i walked right into the middle of the street and saw headlights firing towards me. I waved and flagged down the most insane car ive heard in a while. The two old geezers dressed in full waterproofs like lobster fisherman wearing goggles came to a halt . We didnt exchange any words . We didnt have to. A wave and a thumbs up was all that was needed. I snapped this photo and the driver floored it sending the machine screaming down a deserted Manhattan avenue at probably 150 miles per hour. It was incredible. I could still hear him shifting gears as they ran through 40 traffic lights .

I walked the rest of the way home , soaked to the bone with the biggest smile on my face.