Im the happiest in two places in America. Newport RI and the City of Los Angeles. Both cities couldn't be more different. I love them both........

Looking up , day dreaming of LA


Mel's Kafino on Broadway is the real deal .

Pope John Package and his Twisted Sisters

Went to the pirate store............

"Were gonna need a bigger boat"

The new improved Red Lobster gets the thumbs up from the DC Shoes safety and quality control team - Rock and Jeff Pang on the block.

Wave Riding Vehicles for wild riders of boards

Italian Godzilla gets ready to destroy my birthday cake . WB bibs - One size fits any maniac !!

Getting mail is the best , especially when its a copy of Rambo's First Blood. Hugh thank yous to Sammi , Jo and Calsy in London. Best gift in ages !!

After work leggo time with Rocket and Major Tom.

Summer is coming . My plan is to pedal way less the rest of the year. 2 stroke oil mix and vast amounts of Ben n jerrys ice cream for me .........

100 miles to the gallon and counting ..................