If aliens landed over Hollywood to do scientific studies on human life ....we'd all be fucked ....They'd get in their flying saucers, head to their home planet with all the necessary information....... gather all the coolest space weapons they could carry and return to earth to vaporise us to kingdom come. Sunset Blvd is grand central station for wipeout living as we know it .......Dont get me wrong i love it here. Its a real eye opener everytime i visit......its just this small area of Los Angeles is a super charged magnet for bizarros of all types . The best of the worst are the tourists that swarm here like badly dressed locusts........the whole place is mezmerising .......

Bandanaman is stunned ...rooted to the spot........ "fuck me man Elvis is alive!!". He's so stoked to run into the "king" he was frozen with awe.......

Bassheads...... Gene Simmons from Kiss and JDog from Space Vacation

Gene was on fire ....he had to remove his fake tongue just to bro with us ........i had so many questions for fake Gene ...but his minutes cost more than my shitey AT&T cell phone account..so we didnt hang around.

The army of people that get up early everyday and suit up in their favorite celebrity hero gear is amazing . They pound the sidewalk all day and night sweating buckets in sometimes the heaviest of costumes to earn a few bucks per every tourist photo oppertunity. Its quite a racket they have going........I was so curious about the whole operation..wondering if there was a leader or a head celeb pimp or if there was a limit or a courtesy ruling about the number of Michael Jacksons or Jack Sparrows that could hustle the street...cos i saw a ton of Davey Jones's out there padding around.........I saw a mexican Superman , a black Zorro and korean Elvis and a whole grip of really tall Yodas........so mental...

The craziest part is the shift change ....seeing all the Darth Vaders , Marilyn Monroes , Spidermans and Ex Presidents all chilling out at the local Starbucks or Steaming Bean coffee spots.....all the characters had sad , blank faces without their mask or headgear on ......Its an eery scene and something thats totally normal for this part of LA.

If all the parts to my life suddenly come unhinged im heading to LA with my Ghengis Khan costume and im going to walk the beat baiting tourists with my Mongolian swordsman skills.......

Mannywood ...couldnt have said it better !!

Yessssssssssss......everywhere you look there are images of awsome.

Alice Coopers hands were wee compared to Ike Turners wife beating mitts............

The back yard of my new digs

Roll your own .............J Dog and Claire Dog

Robert Palmers everywhere

This triumphant image was above the beds in our suite ..........phenominal !!

I love LA ...i really do !!