Galavanting in the bushes again..........

"Theres something out there and it aint no man" .....

On the way to Hermits Falls. You can tell this hike is real close to Los Angeles. Gang trees everywhere

Where gangs come to get their nature on..........

When we got there it was a blackberry and 40 party on the cliff edge........ Young jeezys everywhere

Motherfuckingangsters were here..........

Jump today cos tomorrow there going to be less and less water

We watched youthsters sacrifice themselves all day over the egde of the cliffs..........

This college bird stressed and stressed at the top of the jump. She was up there for ages while her sorority sisters heckled and bullied her with threats of no kamikazi shots for a whole weekend if she didnt jump. I thought she was gonna mierda in her spandex . She obviously wanted to shred some drinks bad .............

She jumped into thin air. While the crowd cheered.

Hermit falls is rad but but watch out for bears and broken olde english 40 bottles ...................