Summer is still marching on through September.......

Me mum and dad. It's been real beunos having these guys in town. I've eaten like a sultan everyday. I miss my family crew.

After beach siestas in Africa with Courtney

Caught Senor Higgoz furiously trying to catch his own tail. I've yet to see a dog actually catch a tail .

Manhattan cooks on a low burner in the September heat

I walked over 120 blocks today just wandering through the city. At the end of the day it felt like i had someone else's legs on . My getaway sticks were finished.

Back alley safari's

Chinese Town . Got my live frogs , a bag of starfruits , a whole goose and a great deal on some knock off Gucci luggage.

Met Dj Mirandom in East Village for a wee snack. Always good to see her.

Down on the wharfs

I wished i had a tiny boat to go exploring through the petrified piers.

Classic muscle in the Lower Easts

Incredible city. I still remember vividly the time , me and my best pals from Edinburgh Scotland , first landed in the streets of New York almost 17 years ago. We were gobsmacked with awe.

So many things have happened in those years.............

I still have that exact same feeling when i set foot on Manhattan today.