The WB breakfast show..........

Package wants your egg sandwich and your skull

Forget Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid , we got Package and Bill Murray!! What a meeting that was. The banter was off the charts. Totally seperated at birth.

"Where the hell ya been? Your late for work !!" - Package to Bill as he walked into Waterbrothers for the first time

"Oh you dodged the draft too?" -Bill to Package regarding Sid choosing to sell surfboards rather than fight in Vietnam

It was non-stop one liners as we welcomed Bill to the OWB family over some loud guatamalan music and dancing

After Bill left , Package hired bodyguards

A vintage couple walk by some vintage boards

Dr Eggy gives Fred Smith III his evaluation of rest and lots of wizards

Junior Mint and Guido from the CIVIL school of higher learning . Check them out if your in downtown East Greenwich

The lair of Fred Smith III

Axle Nose and Slash

Slash is up from Florida for a few days......

Give Freddy your blood ............

Peanut gallery was pretty quiet tonight

Fred Smith American Tattoo in Newport RI

Heres some last words...........


Photo : Allison