The Dug's came to Edinburgh to visit ........JDug and Claire Dug on world tour

It was a whirlwind visit from San Francisco's finest but i was honored they made it to Scotland..........While using the double decker buses in the city centre we encountered soccer hooligans.....bad euro haircuts and phenominal Scottish humour........One dodgy bastard took a swing at us while weilding his whiskey bottle and sporting his dirtiest Celtic Fc jersey........the gadgie was mangled wasted mid afternoon and welcomed my American chums to Edinburgh with all kinds of unintelligable death threats and curses ...the scene on the top of the packed bus was pretty much par for the course when riding public transport there...even my mum was on the bus and tried to step in to break up the ruckus.........i got upset and shite got ugly ....japanese tourists scurried for the stairs to get off........eventually the aging hooligan passed out and the man sitting next to me said " Ahm really sorry aboot that dinae let this guy put youz off our fine city "

I laughed and told him i was from here.........he looked confused .....i guess ive lost all traces of my fine scottish accent .....the geezer thought were all from Cananda ................perfect!!!!!!

By the way....Jay and Claire had been in the country 1 hour before shite hit the fan ......pretty standard for Scotland

Didnt stop the antics and moral one bit ............................

Miss you guys........