Cramming 5 days into 2 is wiping out the crew

Tino - Nappitite for Destruction

Brotherly love ..........

Matt Styles gives the posse a ride to the next beach while the backseat crew interviewed his date ........... Talk about being in the hot seat !!!!

Snorkle is the best word and also one of mans greatest inventions.

Hours later Boston is still piecing his Saturday night antics together ..............

Emerald Bay in Laguna is not bad digs

Andrew brought the frankincense

"Man it jacks up, and drop down into the pit. Twenty-five straight down, and your balls ... man ... your balls are about this big. And the whole thing is fucking roaring, right. Pushing you forward like you're a hood ornament on a freight train or something man."

Red Carpet golf carts. This is how you snorkle !!

Huge hugs and high fives to everyone ............ miss you guys already !!!