Out and about wasting rolls of film and generally wandering around like a dipshit. So all in all a total successful bloody ass day.

Found this collared wild dog munching on some raw meat surprise

As he chomped and gagged on the mangled guts and huge chunks of rabbit fur ...i tried to get my national geographic on with my trusty old film camera. I still havent mastered one part of it yet. The focusing is a real bastardo. The closer i got the more growls i got from domestic white fang. I gave up when he looked like he was gonna rip my adams apple off my neck.

Cosovo is beautiful this time of year. Pool is going off and the view is stupendous

I Watched this wee boulder swim across the pond for ages.

The girl who plays with gold leaf !!

Took a tour of 100% Swede's workshop. She restores old picture frames. Rebuilding the ornate carvings and gold leafing the entire frame. The transformation is incredible.

Gold leaf is not easy to work with. It's like trying to paint a picture on a strand of hair. I take my hat off to the peoples in this art form

If you need any frames restored and brought back to life go see Jenny 100% Swede. Way better than Ikea.

This photo isnt out of focus. Its a new app called "I canny see a bloody thing ya radge" . It basically takes a photo exactly as i see things. This is about how blurry my faraway eyeballs can get. I need major glasses pronto. Get your app today.

Looks warm but its not . This is another app called "I shouldve stayed in Cali"

Im gonna pretend this is a blistering hot summer day in 1981.........

Location scouting scenes for the World War 2 movie.

Theres going to be a massive ambush massacre scene deep in these bushes. I got gallons and gallons of fake blood on stand by and enough smoke grenades to cover half of Rhode Island. Its going to be the dumbest thing i've done in a really long time

Amazingly but not surprisingly the only photo on the entire roll in focus is one i didnt take . Epicly typical. Suitcase Hell on location in the field of giant reedy bushy thingys

(At least i know the focus part of the camera works. There is still hope and moral is a top notch levels still)