Waking up the dead..........

Sunrise in the graveyard. Horatio Brown lost at sea. His tombstone is incredible.

Worked with the world famous Tip Top landscape crew few weeks ago. Rakewons all day.

Call Tip Top today . The friendliest landscratchers in town. Scotland Yard Work approved.

Tonight was the "Golden Shovel" award ceremony. Recieving the Golden shovel trophy is the exact polar opposite of collecting an oscar.

The Prince of Baguettes was speechless as we knighted him in front of a very confused packed bar.

I could go into details about the Golden Shovel award but "lives may be lost" . Congrats Chauncey - your performance was fantastic.

In the winter the graveyard has replaced my beachtime. I seem to be here an awful lot.............

"Dead things Mikey , Dead things" ...............