Embedded live at the Pelham

Chop's givin the crowd a severe dose of RI hardcore



The purple and green chicken explosion mid set

Birds were out for blood

Fire in the sky - moments before i got tracktor beamed ........... Just poppin buttons and hammin........

Chelsea Headhunter and Sunburnt Pelican Neck

Last call and last photo with Brandi Rhoads. Right after this , the back of my camera opened and awsome amounts of film got exposed. Pretty standard really. Apologies to We Own Land for not grabbin any snaps. Bummed i missed Johnny Jones's shredding solos and Alice Cooper's mum coming down to scold him for some missing family car keys.

Congrats to Curl Up n Dye . I hope the art auction and rock show raised mucho loots for cancer. Im offski to rest my over exposed brains and my bruised ribs from laughing !!