The Stranger in a Strange Land Concert series starts now. Presented by Waterbrothers and hosted by the Pelham. Tonight live in concert we have the smallest legends in rock history - Mini Kiss.

The magnificant seven

Kiss fans came out in the hundreds for this one-time party event (until the next one-time party which is coming up soon)

Lake Tahoe in the house

Hailing from all corners of the U.S of A - MINI KISS. The tiniest Gods of Thunder in the World. I was floored.

The band of super wee dudes literally exploded on stage and the crowd went into next levels of berzerkers.

Mini Ace Frehley rips through Detroit Rock City. I was completely mesmerised by the entire scene. It was utter bananas.......

Fuck the Avengers and any of those Xmen turkeys - Mini Gene and Mini Ace are the absolute bees knees......

Love Gun like ive never seen before.........

The packed club erupted as the wee monsters of rock n roll thundered through all the anthems

Mini Gene Simmons ruled . Every song he'd slip some hot bird in the front row the tongue. It would send the crowd into overdrives and fit broads were having total seizures. It was the oddest most awsome form of Beatle mania i have ever seen.

Mini Gene kept asking me for cold beers the entire show too...... My face still hurts from smiling.

Part two coming up after the commercials.........