Days of Thunder part 3 .............

Surprisingly - I dont think theres enough of these. Everything in this whole place is flammable.

This pair of brain surgeons were probably the most flammable things in the whole compound.

As Puma's Joey Bretzinsky does an interview for Red Bull TV ol malibu barbie braved the 2000 degree porta johns. She was inside for the entire interview. It mustive boiled her fake roundies like two giant poached eggs. She was inside so long the crew figured she'd passed out in there. Then we settled on - she probably just has the runs from funneling Rockstar energy drinks all day. Anyways she came bounding out and marched across the lot feeling all brand new again ......... but the poor lassie had absolutely no idea there was a ton of toilet paper stuck to her forehead and hair. You can barely see it in the photo but man it was hilarious.

These two fit birds simmered all day in their pleather space suits . Does an ice cold Monster even work in this heat? Where the fucks the 4 Loco girls anyways ??!!

I ignore English when i need it the most ............

Seconds later there was a grand slam pile up right in front of me . I jumped behind the wall as shite flew in every direction. I could feel the mayhem through the wall as i crouched on the gravel in a ball.

These skid marks are from one car. He did about four 720s into the grass after hitting the wall where i stood . Then drove off with his car in a complete shambles.

This is what a true fan of motorsports looks like. This lady ruled the bleachers. She had every accessory possible and a whole buffet of grease at her feet . Here shes trying to drop a pin on Rosco's Chicken and Waffle House for later.

Go America - Im your biggest fan !!!!!

Part 4 - Up next - Norwegian Mad Max takes no prisoners !!!