Today i found the Holy Land. The centre of the universe. The Mecca. The ender of all swap meets and jumble sales. Paradiso. The promised Land. Boner City. Sicker than Hugh Hefners house on Valentines day. (ok maybe not that sick) .

Welcome to Garage Company in Inglewood Los Angeles. This is offically ground zero. Its right here. In south LA lies the Holy Grail of motorcycling.

For the first 25 minutes i wandered aimlessly through the fields of dreams while my lower lip trailed on the floor. I was gobsmacked.

Yoshi and his crew have built the coolest shop on planet earth

Brit racers everywhere


This speedway bomber was absolutely bonkersville.

Evil Knievel lives

This was my fave. I stood and gaped and drooled and hummed and hawwed and gasped and and and .........

I want you ....oh how i want you !!

The endless rooms of parts and chambers filled with every kind of motorcycle nik nak you can imagine

There was literally a section for every kind of passion

Yoshi's castle rules.

I wanted to sleep overnight in here. next time im bringing a sleeping bag.

Best dudes, best shop in the country. Go to Garage Company its way better than looking for Michael Jackson's house.