The WB mansion tour continues...........

Went to Lady Gaga's wedding at Hammersmith Farm. Congrats to The Original Intern Lauren and Pat..........

The entire wedding party recieved hot air balloons to light and send off into the atmosphere. I blew the photos but the balloon assigned for the Waterbrothers crew didnt end up in the sky but remained on the lawn in a towering inferno of flames in front of 200 horrified guests. It absolutely ruled. Shep was our balloon specialist and completely nailed it !!

The Limo driver , The minister and the Wedding Pirate

Shep leading his new cult members into the forest for a mass red bull ceremony........

The lads hover in the outpost waiting for the hor dourves ladies.

All these fancy digs are makin me hungry

At dinner , Menace Hopper put on a fantastic oscar winning performance. Chief Red Bull

I've noticed at all the weddings im invited to, i'm always positioned at the table furthest away from the bridal party and imediate familys. Theres always an outcast table of renegades , maniacs , singles and distant relations. Its always the table closest to the bar or the band and usually the table that gets the grub last. Todays set up was no exception. In fact our table was so deep in outfield it was completely missing. It ruled !! Package , Shepper , myself and a few other outlaws wandered aimlessly around the ball room with our epic table name tags searching for the mysterious table 10.

I love being in the remote outpost siberian tables with the rest of the psychopaths. Its always the table the waiters and waitresses love the most !!

Congrats to the Intern and her new manny Pat on getting hitched.

I know the missing table was her getting back at me for years of torture at Waterbrothers.........