Deep in the sierra mountains ............

Slept in a cave at about 8000 feet . Beyond freezing outside . Fire kept one side of me warm while the other side froze . Slept basically in the flames sheltered from the wind . Fire was roaring all night and made all the mountain critters exit the cave ........... Woke up looking like a half chewed toffee as the sun crept up over the mountain ridge . It was so cold i couldnt hold my camera steady. I contemplated pissing my pants just for that 3 second warmth ............

This photo is out of focus due to about 35 reasons ........... 34 of those were Logan Hill related .

We wandered into a tiny town deep in the valley in search of toast

It was still freezing as fuck in the desert dawn as we rolled through the dusty back streets

Lone cowboy ~ Waiting on his spurs and sheriff badge coming out of the dryer

6am the only place open was this amazing family owned diner

Senor Wavos soaking up any possible heat before the coffee and bacon showed up..............

Up next - Mexican Everest