Spontaneous missions on other islands...........

Exploring the far off lands of Jamestown

For some unknown reason theres more graffiti in random places on this island. Maybe the Jtown youth are more artistic , or maybe theres less action for the restless out here . Who knows . Its got a junior Apocalypse Now feel to it when you wander through the wilds . Theres colorful warnings on the rocks everywhere...... I dig it !!

I like it out here

Madison in Middle Earth

The sun never sets on the Waterbrother empire

Frozen in the cold sea air

Fort Wetherill never disapoints

All the trees are so windswept on this side of the island.

Driftwood swords

Jamestown rules. I wish the bridge had a sidewalk so i could ride my bike here more. Knowing Newport they'd probably charge people $3 to ride across ...... Bastardos!!