Going up country............

3000 miles straight through the American Frontier. The old west. Headed into Comanche and Apache lands towards the California gold rush.

It'll prob take 2 indians to scalp me i got thick hair............





California......... and my new back yard..............

After a gruelling 4 and a half day cannonball run across America we made it to the hills of Los Angeles in one piece. Huge thanks to Christine who drove like a true champ and the crew who put us up all along the way.

I've been reading a lot about the pioneers and the wagon trails of the old wild west. Not all travelers made it to their destination. There were many who perished from a variety of reasons such as: snake bites, run over by wagons, gun shots, violence from other travelers, suicide, malnutrition, stampedes, indian attacks, dysentery, typhoid, cholera, fever, snow and frostbite, avalanches, etc. One particularly well known example of those who did not make it to their destination was the ill-fated Donnor Party who had to resort to cannibalism.

On the trip i didnt see any canibalism but i did witness in Salt Lake city at the house i stayed at........ the girls there had a dead cat in the freezer. The poor wee bugger was rock solid next to the tubs of ice cream and frozen peas. I guess he'll stay in there until the ground thaws and they can bury the poor fella............ but thats a story for a different time .............

Now im going to sleep for 2 days straight and hopefully not have nightmares about mormons and petrified housecats.......